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[JSPJava 活动图像程序和游戏编写

Description: java活动图像程序和游戏编写,详细介绍java图形编写及算法。适合初学者。-java video game procedures and the preparation of detailed briefings prepared graphics and java algorithm. For beginners.
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: 北京生活 | Hits:

[Windows Developjava实现上传下载

Description: /* * Class: DrawPoker * Description: Java Video Poker Applet. **/ -/** Class : DrawPoker* Description : Video Poker Java Applet.** /
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 曹荣元 | Hits:

[Special Effectsimg_process_java

Description: 图像/视频处理程序,运行命令:java Video processor Canny edge, Gabor texture feature 输入为彩色或灰度图;motion estimation 输入为QCIF序列;the shape processing 输入为二值图像-image/video processing procedures, execute commands : java Video processor Canny edge, Gabor texture feature input color or gray-scale map; motion estimation input QCIF sequence; the shape of two processing input image
Platform: | Size: 219136 | Author: SQ | Hits:

[Video Capturevideo-edit-process

Description: 视频剪辑处理,简易的操作界面,友好的帮助提示,让你轻轻松松对视频文件进行剪辑处理.-video clips, simple interface, with the help of friendly tips Let your light-hearted video clips document processing.
Platform: | Size: 1073152 | Author: 马雪玲 | Hits:

[Audio programjava-videoplayer

Description: 用java 实现的视频播放器,可以打开本地文件和网络文件.很清晰.-achieved using java video player, can open local files and network file. Very clear.
Platform: | Size: 132096 | Author: will | Hits:


Description: java视频教程来看看啊 很好的教程 对初学者很有帮助-java video tutorials来看看啊good helpful tutorial for beginners
Platform: | Size: 17996800 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 一个java视频会议服务器端雏形。。。。 适合初学者分析学习。。。 JMF+RTP完成-A server-side java video conferencing prototype. . . . Analysis of learning suitable for beginners. . . JMF+ RTP completed
Platform: | Size: 3119104 | Author: long | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4video

Description: video--- -----本地流媒体视频播放器-video-- the local streaming video player
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: fj | Hits:


Description: 纯java实现的一个视频播放程序,实现视频播放的基本功能-To achieve a pure java video player, video player to achieve the basic functions of
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: beyrens | Hits:


Description: 这是一个用Java编写的视屏播放的小程序,适合初学Java者学习-This is a work written in Shiping Java applet to play, suitable for beginners to learn Java by
Platform: | Size: 132096 | Author: kallting | Hits:


Description: java 基与BS的视频会议 客户和服务端-java-based video conference with the BS-side customers and services
Platform: | Size: 5557248 | Author: 6522122 | Hits:


Description: 环境的搭建: 1、新建一个Web工程. 2、在工程的src下新建一个包smart.jrsoft.video. 3、将Source下的ChangeVideo类拷贝到新建的包smart.jrsoft.video里面. 4、将Enviroument里面的makeing.bat和encoder.bat文件放在c盘根目录下面. 5、将Enviroument里面的ffmpeg.exe文件放在windows-->system32下面. 6、运行ChangeVideo里面的main方法就可以试用啦. 注意事项: 1、Enviroument文件夹里的vcastr21.swf是一个流媒体播放器. 2、Jsp文件夹下面的JSP页面是调用这个播放器的例子. 3、如果需要改变截视频图的大小可以修改makeing.bat文件(用记事本打开修改即可).-Built environment: 1, create a new Web project. 2, create a new project under the src package smart.jrsoft.video. 3, the Source under the ChangeVideo copied to the new class inside the package smart.jrsoft.video. 4, the Enviroument inside makeing.bat and encoder.bat files in the directory c packing. 5, the Enviroument inside ffmpeg.exe files on windows-> system32 below. 6, running ChangeVideo inside the main method can try啦. Note: 1, Enviroument folder inside vcastr21.swf is a streaming media player. 2, Jsp folder, call the following JSP page is an example of this player. 3, if you need to change the cross-sectional size of the video map can be modified makeing.bat file (use Notepad to open modification).
Platform: | Size: 2416640 | Author: 姜晓燕 | Hits:


Description: 影像租赁系统JAVA实现 包括图形界面的设计 核心代码 已经功能描述-Video rental system, JAVA graphical interface designed to achieve, including the core code has been functional description
Platform: | Size: 584704 | Author: river | Hits:


Description: JAVA影像租赁系统,连接orcale数据库,可实现添加会员等功能-JAVA video rental system, connect orcale database, add the member and other functions can be realized
Platform: | Size: 1078272 | Author: 刘振鹏 | Hits:


Description: pdf file used 4 video conf-pdf file used 4 video conf...
Platform: | Size: 186368 | Author: Tanu | Hits:

[Crack HackVIDEO-watermarking

Description: video watermarking using xuggler in java-video watermarking using xuggler in java....
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: Ananth | Hits:


Description: 张孝祥Java视频教程全集,迅雷下载种子-Complete Works of Zhang Xiaoxiang Java video tutorials, download seed Thunder
Platform: | Size: 273408 | Author: 陈江 | Hits:


Description: 包含一些基础的java视频的,希望对你有帮助。(Contains some basic java video, and I hope to help you.)
Platform: | Size: 99567616 | Author: 待进步 | Hits:


Description: java的视频讲解,相当有用,适合初学者下载并学习。(Java video explanation, quite useful, suitable for beginners to download and learn.)
Platform: | Size: 84563968 | Author: 待进步 | Hits:


Description: 用Java实现对一个视屏进行定点抽帧,使用的工具ffmpeg.exe(Use Java to achieve a fixed - point extraction of a video screen,Use of the tool ffmpeg. Exe)
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: aprilcos | Hits:
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